

Get the tips, insights, templates and more to ensure your business or agency is prepared to communicate before, during and after a hurricane.

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Wildfire season during a pandemic requires even more planning. Use these resources to make sure you're prepared.

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We are here to help you overcome communication obstacles you may be facing from this pandemic.

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Notifications sent annually


Missing persons found


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Fortune 500 companies served

Send notifications … quickly, reliably, and securely

Severe weather events, natural disasters, power outages, cyberattacks, pandemics, active shooters: When every second counts, you need to be battle-ready with a battle-tested solution. With mass notifications for critical events and emergencies, individuals, groups, businesses, hospitals, and government agencies can take a proactive approach to keeping employees, residents, and families safe and informed.

Manage critical events with speed and accuracy

几鸡问题及解答汇总 - 简书:几鸡问题及解答汇总 几鸡官网请进入cc.ax——自取链接 (将cc.ax输入到浏览器然后回车)(cc.ax跳转不了的点这个cc.ax) 几鸡TG:t.me/ngcss QQ群满了就不要申请了,申请的问题里面会告诉你新群,去申请 …

Get the most up-to-date information to the right people, fast

Sometimes critical events impact only a portion of your people. Whether it’s sending geo-targeted information to employees at a regional event, updating impacted or potentially impacted individuals with time-sensitive instructions, or connecting travelers with local help, you can ensure the right people have the most relevant situational awareness to keep them safe.

Streamline crisis response with a do-it-all cloud-based critical communication platform


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Get updates directly from impacted individuals

Enable two-way messaging to gather responses and broadcast additional updates.

Keep contact information up to date

Allow users to change contact info with a simple self-registration and management portal.

Increase information relevance

Target by location and set predefined expiration times to get the right information to the right people.

Gather critical data

Know who opens messages, plus track responses from polls or personalized texts in real time.


Attach photos of missing individuals, event fliers, affected area maps, and more.

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